Happy New Year, everyone!
I can hardly believe it’s 2025. As a kid, I never imagined my life beyond 2000—anything 2000 on seemed as futuristic as The Jetsons did in the 80ties. And here I am, writing this while listening to music on a wireless speaker that is sent from an iPhone that isn’t even attached to a wall.
As we embrace this futuristic January, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on living intentionally and the traditional notion of resolutions.
Did you make any resolutions this year?
More importantly, are they sticking for you so far?
Years ago, I shifted away from typical New Year's resolutions—I felt like the commitments I was making tended to spring more from my ego or societal expectations than my authentic self. I used to set these lofty goals like achieving a six-pack without changing my lifestyle, which unsurprisingly, never panned out often because they weren’t true to who I was.
Instead, what if we viewed resolutions like the “resolution” of a camera lens? This idea, which a friend of mine shared with me, resonates deeply.
Just as a camera's resolution determines the clarity and detail of the images it captures, when we PAUSE, get still and adjust our focus to better align with our true selves, the picture of our future becomes sharper, more defined, and deeply authentic.
I invite you take a collective PAUSE from our hectic world to adjust your focus and bring clarity on the year ahead from your whole selves, not just from your head but also from your heart.
Last year, all I tended to hear about from clients, colleagues and friends was about how busy their lives were and how stressed and overwhelmed they felt.
Can we adjust the lens and resolve to choose A New Way to Be – a more rested, centered, calm, happy, healthy way?
Now ask yourself:
What needs to be true in your life for that to happen?
This concept of finding clarity and aligning with our deepest truths is foundational to not just our happiness but our resilience. Resilient individuals are not just tough; they are profoundly in tune with their authentic selves, their vision and the paths they wish to follow.
To support your reflective PAUSE, check out a free downloadable companion workbook for my book, A New Way to Be: Becoming Resilient One Habit, Breath, and Moment at a Time. This workbook is designed to help you apply the concepts and practices discussed in the book. There is also a whole section on living with intention that leads you through setting your vision, determining your values, and creating a picture of your ideal life.
To support you further, I invite you to explore the Certified Resilience Coach Program (the next session starting this Spring). This program is designed for those who want to deepen their understanding of resilience and gain practical tools to support themselves and others in managing stress, burnout, and life’s challenges.
Click here to learn more and stay updated on program details and enrollment opportunities.
Here’s to making 2025 a year of A New Way to Be—an easier, more joyful and authentic way that truly reflects our deepest desires.
Download Beyond Bouncing Back: A Guide for Coaching Resilience in Your Clients, Your Staff & Yourself.
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