“Make each day your masterpiece” – John Wooden
Did you know that you can set an intention to have a great day?
Rather than diving into your morning and hoping you’ll achieve your day’s big goal, take back your morning and set yourself up for success. Before doing anything else (especially checking email or social media), try this morning practice which is used by top performers in business, politics, entertainment and sport.
This practice will give you clarity and have you starting your day with a productive and positive mindset.
To take it one step further, create an intention for the week. High performance coaches assert that if you don’t have a concrete plan at the beginning of the week that will push you closer to your vision and goals, then you’re simply spinning your wheels in place – thereby getting overwhelmed and stressed. This habit of clarifying an intention for the day, week, month and year is one every successful person from Richard Branson to Oprah implements to ensure they achieve the specific goals they set for themselves.
Want to learn more about how to become healthier, happier and stronger? Check out our ICF Accredited Certified Coach Resilience Program to discover how to embody and coach resilience.
The Leadership Wellness Group helps busy individuals prioritize their health and wellness in today’s hyper-scheduled, 24/7 competitive work environment.
Download Beyond Bouncing Back: A Guide for Coaching Resilience in Your Clients, Your Staff & Yourself.
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